Personal Injury Lawyer | Overton, TX

Every two and a half hours, someone in Texas is killed in a car wreck, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. Rural Texas cities like Overton account for 55% of these accident-related deaths. Many of these crashes are caused by a negligent driver, which only intensifies the suffering and anger that come with tragedies like these. If you or a loved one have been seriously injured or killed in an accident in Overton, TX, there is a personal injury lawyer in your area on your side.

The victim of another person’s negligence should not be responsible for any of the financial costs incurred by the event. At the Biggs & Greenslade Law Firm, our experienced attorneys are here to fight for you to get the restitution you deserve. Call us today for a FREE consultation.

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Types Of Injury Cases We Will Litigate

At Biggs & Greenslade, our primary litigation focus involving injury cases is often vehicle-related. Car wrecks, truck accidents, motorcycle crashes, and a few other categories make up most of our injury claims.

Below you’ll find some of the many types of cases that reflect our extensive litigation and trial experience:

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Does Your Case Require Legal Assistance

Some injury victims attempt to handle their claim themselves rather than seeking the help of a personal injury or wrongful death lawyer. That’s usually because people assume personal injury lawyers are expensive. At Biggs & Greenslade, our clients do not pay anything out-of-pocket because we work based on a contingency agreement (more on that below).

However, free legal service is not the only reason you should consider hiring a lawyer. One of the most important reasons to hire an injury attorney is to advocate for you to receive the full settlement amount you are entitled to get. Most insurance companies pay bottom dollar settlements to injured victims, and without a solid legal team backing you, these offers are very difficult to dispute.

The injury attorneys at Biggs & Greenslade offer qualified legal representation and are ready to fight for you! We’ll win the restitution you deserve.

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How Much Does A Personal Injury Attorney Charge?

The Overton, TX personal injury attorneys at Biggs & Greenslade provide personal injury representation based on a contingency agreement. That means our success is contingent upon your case’s success.

If your claim is unsuccessful and no settlement is awarded, then you owe us nothing. We will absorb all the costs incurred by your case. And if we win your settlement, our fee comes from a percentage of the award amount, not from your wallet.

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How Much Will I Get From My Settlement?

To calculate your settlement, we collect as much information and paperwork from you as possible to estimate the real cost of your injury. This amount is calculated by determining all of the relevant “damages” you should be compensated for. Some of these damages are monetary and have a specific hard cost. Other damages are not monetary, and their value is more challenging to determine, which is why it’s essential to hire a personal injury attorney with experience with cases like yours.

Examples of monetary costs that can be reimbursed include:

  • Vehicle and property damages if the event involved a car accident
  • Current and upcoming hospital bills
  • Counseling for trauma, PTSD, and the like
  • Lost wages from missing work due to the injury
  • Funeral expenses in the case of wrongful death (the family would file the claim in this situation)
  • And other costs

Examples of non-monetary costs that can be compensated:

  • The victim’s pain and suffering
  • Permanent injuries, aches, and pains resulting in the loss of quality of life
  • Trauma, PTSD, and emotional suffering
  • Other intangible damages

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Contact us today to schedule a FREE case evaluation.


1501 Old Nacogdoches Rd.
Henderson, TX 75654

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